The challenges of being a student-athlete is enough as it is, but adding additional sports to the picture can either be stressful or thrilling. The athletes involved in multiple sports often find themselves struggling with loads of homework and filling their calendars with game and practice dates, leaving no room for free time. But what comes with the struggles is what makes it that much more worth it to them.
Essentially, being involved in one sport is advantageous in itself. Not only does it keep one healthy, but the benefits of being an athlete carry on to adulthood, like intramurals, agility, strength, and conditioning. The foundations of discipline, hard work, leadership, and dedication are solidified in athletics, and can be used in the classroom, jobs, relationships, etc. For example, athletes learn how to work with, communicate, and lead in group work at an early age, helping them become successful in their future jobs. For some athletes, sports are their escape from the world around them and are how they express and become the best version of themselves.
According to Coach Jones, football and track and field coach, adding additional sports to one’s extracurriculars has more benefits than focusing on only one. A common fear for athletes is injuries; a single injury could wipe them out for an entire season. “Different sports require different movements from a variety of muscle groups which can also help an athlete’s progression,” Jones states. He notes that athletes who play one sport year-round are more exposed to injuries due to the performance of repetitive movements and overuse.
Though physically demanding, a single sport can be psychologically exhausting; athletes are more inclined to get burnt out focusing and putting all their effort into one sport. The pressure of excelling in one area of an athlete’s life can be mentally and emotionally draining. Playing more than one sport may help athletes release that pressure while helping them physically as well.
So many times, we look back and have regrets on certain things we wished we had done.
A concern for single sport athletes is having no time for themselves outside of their sport. Their free time is limited due to the amount of time they spend on their one sport, so it is assumed that adding another sport takes more time away from that free time. When Naomi Manoj, a varsity basketball player and track athlete, was asked what the most beneficial factor of playing multiple sports was, she expressed that balancing multiple sports helped her to improve her time management skills. Learning time management at this level can apply in an athlete’s outside life . They can take these skills with them as they grow into adulthood.

Another concern for one-sport athletes considering adding another sport is overlapping seasons. Manoj undergoes a tough schedule on her transition period between basketball and track because the seasons of both programs collide. “It gets really physically and mentally tasking if you do both sports at the same time,” Manoj explains. Her focus has to shift quickly when going into her track season, concentrating more on condition training, rather than skill work. Manoj also mentions that it is mental preparation that is the challenge for a lot of these athletes; switching from a teamwork-based game to a more individual mindset.
Whether it’s a team or solo sport, being an athlete comes with many advantages and disadvantages. While the option of being able to play more than one sport is accessible, many choose not to because they doubt it will be a good fit. Coach Jones’ advice to those who are hesitant about joining another sport is to take a chance. “So many times, we look back and have regrets on certain things we wished we had done,” Jones states. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone may be daunting, but it is a huge step to one’s growth. And whether it works out or not, it will be an experience to remember.
Saniya • Dec 4, 2023 at 10:18 am
At first, I thought that having multiple sports to worry about would really only have a negative impact on a student. But this article changed my perspective and showed that it is not all bad and that there can be some beneficial effects on a student.
Alyssa Justine McCall • Nov 28, 2023 at 10:40 am
I love how you worded everything! So great!
Katie T • Sep 14, 2023 at 10:31 am
This was the best article ive ever read! Keep up the good work hannah lopez!