Value of Voting in Midterm Election

Katie Strickland, News Editor

With the upcoming election season approaching like lightning, tensions rumble through political debates. The youth are the future: these results will impact the United States’ political atmosphere for years to come. Numerous hot button issues have been argued up in the air, including rising climate change concerns, abortion rights, and continued struggles involving public health—many topics are at stake for the next election cycle.  

SGA President Rachel Hicks writes letters to Texan voters, encouraging them to utilize their civic duty and vote. (Katie Strickland)

Students involved with SGA have begun urging teenagers to gain political awareness; the Denmark SGA President, Rachel Hicks, has launched a campaign to encourage her fellow classmates to take the initiative and create change through voting. Rachel explains the responsibilities that come with a role of such importance: she states, “I work to improve Denmark as much as I can.” One way she wishes to go about improvement is by converting students to political involvement. “I think it’s important to understand how the political system works in the United States and to have a say in what’s going on,” Rachel says. While many tend to gain political influence from a young age, one of Rachel’s missions is to help teenagers grasp a sense of what each party promotes. By gaining an understanding of such topics, they can be well-versed in their beliefs prior to voting.

Many worry about the value of their vote, wondering if it means anything; Rachel explains, “[some students] may not see themselves as old or important enough in the election system.” This sentiment is not always accurate. In both past and recent events, the youth stimulate change, such as the counterculture of the 60s. Teenagers created colorful banners promoting peace and love in politics. Similarly, in recent years, they’ve voiced their opinions through TikTok videos and created organizations to promote political candidates. These advocacy campaigns have had a profound impact on the political atmosphere. “Registering [to vote] can’t hurt!” Hicks exclaims. 

Niva Saravanan, a senior, has already registered to vote in preparation for the upcoming midterm election. Taking on this responsibility is something that Niva looks forward to; she joyfully states, “I got so excited about the simple prospect of getting an ‘I Voted!’ sticker.” While millions of citizens in the U.S. are eligible to vote, the privilege is often disregarded. Over the past few years, young people have participated in the election process significantly less compared to other age groups; less than 50% of 18 to 29-year-olds were represented in the 2016 election. Niva voices her concerns, claiming voting is “something a lot of us take for granted.”  In the United States, where personal freedoms are noted in the code of conduct, it can be easy to lose track of the value of voting. 

Saravanan poses a word of advice for those hoping to vote to keep a well-balanced mindset: “doing proper, unbiased research on each candidate without being swayed by propaganda would benefit our whole nation, as we would collectively choose the best leader fit for our needs.”

Living in a nation that shapes the future, help shape the nation by voting! Students who wish to get involved can reach the resources below to ensure that their voices are heard in the essential election this fall.

“Go out there and be a proactive citizen!” -Hicks

Voter Resources

Georgia Identification Requirements

Check Voter Status
