Dear Freshman,
Welcome to Denmark High School! This is your fresh start in a new school. This year will probably be filled with schedule stressing, time management and friends. Through all of these obstacles you’ll be looking for a place in the school. Don’t worry too much about the extremities of high school, enjoy the little moments of joy. Good Luck!
Welcome Back Sophomores,
This is your second year back, you’ve found your place and you’re getting comfortable in that seat. Now the stresses of AP classes, awards, sports and more start. Instead of gliding through the water like last year, you’re having to swim your way. This year is the most important to create a concrete foundation.
Buckle Up Juniors,
You’re entering the hardest year of your high school career. Students are taking rigorous classes, worrying about SAT’s and ACT’s, thinking about colleges and the future. This is where the meat would be if high school was a burger. Balancing extracurriculars, club positions and college credentials along with stressful school expectations will be hard but find time to wind down. You got this!
Last Year Seniors,
Almost there Seniors! Only ten more months of having long seven period schedules and difficult classes. But before that fun, you have a future to think about. Remember the world is full of opportunities that can be as overwhelming as the vast ocean. But if you take it like a marathon, one mile at a time you’ll cross the finish line, successfully. On top of that, you’ll find your own road to adulthood. You’re on the last stretch, Hang in there!