The blinding lights strike the performers faces. One, two, three, one two three. The sound of Ms. Roney’s tempo rings through the actor’s mind. Again, step one BAM. The sounds of the performers bounce off the stage walls. Rehearsal after rehearsal, students continue to elevate their skills in preparation for the show’s opening nights. Pure Imagination is in the running, and this performance was made to be groundbreaking. Beauty and the Beast, Matilda, Orphan Annie, and Hey Lola are only three of the many different plays that are intertwined in this grand production. The stakes of this show are high, considering the fact that this is a purely freshman show. Running through a course of four days, the performances have to be dazzling. Due to the significance of this show, thespians are scrambling to perfect everything, but the thrill of the show motivates them even harder and pushes them past their limits.
This play focuses on the visual aspect of different children’s stories and songs that those stories partake in. One song that really caught the attention of the onlookers was Revolting Children. This song comes from the famous story Matilda. Revolting Children used its catchy tune to entice the audience and mesmerize them. And with the amount of people participating in this scene, it was truly something to remember. Another song that the audience gravitated towards was A Tale As Old As Time which was featured in the Beauty and the Beast act. This song reflects the love Belle and the Beast share for each other when they dance for the first time. The songs presented in this show truly have a deeper meaning that differs from the main focal point of entertainment. Each song that was sang grasped onto the various aspects of love, revolt, friendship, loneliness, and more. This shows the significance of what this play has and the deeper meanings it paints when facing different challenges. Three out of the many students who were participating in Revolting Children.
Two classes will be participating in this one time event: the freshman classes of Kirk Grizzle and Chloe Roney. Both teachers have their minds set on making this beautiful play wonderous, and they show their dedication through their after school efforts and practices. Rehearsals were held everyday after school for six days prior to the show and was used to uproot the young actors and bloom them on stage. As the rehearsal hours grew more demanding, the work ethic of the participants launched into the atmosphere like beautifully crafted flower buds. Not only does this experience prove to be entertaining, but this will also benefit students in the long run. One student in particular named Sofia Aguayo described the rehersal experience, “It was fun to hang out with my friends and create something”. Sophia played Lola in Hola Lola. Another actress, Katie O’neal, also participated in this production. Katie expressed her opinion when she said: “I had a lot of fun doing the show, I’ve never been in one before and because of the unique nature of this show, it was a very special experience”.

Pure Imagination astounded its audience with an interactive twist to the show. Katie, and many more actors, made it their mission to entice the crowds, so the head producers set up a dance along. In the audience, people danced and clapped like pirouetting ballerinas. The joyous laughs of children flowed into the performers’ ears, giving them yet another reason to try their best. “The audience participation is truly something I will never forget,” stated Katie. “It was so much fun to lead them and encourage adults and children to relax and be silly.” She and other participants marveled at the ebullient energy that radiated off of the onlookers.
This production proved to be a hit with both the audience and the actors alike. Pure Imagination truly enriched the audience and was a great production to participate in. Many people loved this performance. Pure Imagination also proved to be a great experience for the participating actors. Katie revealed: “Pure Imagination presented me with the opportunity to showcase my skills, make new friends, and spend a lot of time with people I already know.” Sofia also stated: “Lots of opportunities and equal parts for everyone. Everyone got their moment to be on stage and it was very fun”.