Dual Enrollment: The Future is Now
With the steady fluctuation of college rigor in recent years, multitudes of students look for an edge or eye-catching feature to stand out in their applications. Dual enrollment presents immaculate opportunities for students who want that “wow factor”. With this program, students have a chance to learn beyond their high school grounds. Students in their junior/senior years of high school have the opportunity to take college level courses away from AP classes. Those students have the choice to either do online dual enrollment or physically go to the campus.

Dual enrollment night, held on January 11th, presented the different colleges that the students of Denmark High have access to, such as University of North Georgia, Lanier Technical College, Toccoa Falls College, and Georgia State University. Then, representatives from each institution talked to the crowd about what their college has to offer. With so many resources of information, families are now equipped with the necessary facts to make the best decision for their student.
On this night, many parents were in attendance, joining their student. When asked about the significance of showing up with their student, one parent states: “I was motivated to come to this meeting and learn more about dual enrollment because my daughter brought the interest to me”. This event provided information to parents who were willing to learn about dual enrollment. Explaining how she came to this night to support her daughter, this event provided context that it is not only beneficial for the students, but for the parents as well. Mrs. Needham, an Assistance Principle, explains the benefits of dual enrollment. She explains: “A good reason to take dual enrollment is to get exposure, to take classes that are not available at your base school.” She then proceeds to explain why someone shouldn’t take dual to “boost their GPA.” With dual enrollment, this program focuses on the educational value of the classes you are taking, not the impact it has on the overall GPA.

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