Big Paw Prints to Fill
Being a part of the Denmark High School community entails treating everyone as if they are family. Be it on the softball field, in the theater, or the classroom, everyone is treated as though they are a loved one. You may feel alone at the start of the year, knowing no one. For me especially, this loneliness was heavy after moving to a new county and leaving all the people I once knew behind. I was surrounded by strangers in the classroom, football field, and softball field. Those same strangers had become family by the time exams arrived.
Being in those walls for 180 days every Monday-to-Friday school week may seem like a chore, but in the blink of an eye you will be watching yourself say goodbye to your newfound friends. Next year, I will see my freshmen and sophomores friends once more, meanwhile my senior counterparts and I will part ways as they go off to college. Students at Denmark learn about themselves, a feeling of community, and how to assist one another, not simply in academics. Denmark is known for its strong sense of community.From standing together and yelling our Dane cry to racing together and being drenched in paint during the Dane Dash. Shouting your heart out in the football stands with your best friend on a Friday night to sprinting through the halls to ensure you snag the perfect cookie from the school store, there is something for everyone. Friendships formed in Denmark persist throughout college years, creating lifelong bonds.
Being a Dane in Denmark means forging unforgettable memories. As a Dane, you create unforeseeable amounts of memories with your peers, coaches, and teachers. Until they are seated at graduation, people will not understand how much they will miss the lunch table gossip, the football games, dancing with their best friend when she gets a touchdown, and even making jokes with teachers. Almunis’ memories of Denmark will live on in their minds until they are old enough to pass them down to their grandkids. Being in the classroom everyday for 180 days may seem challenging, but the teachers at Denmark make it unbelievably fun.

In Denmark, the finest feeling a student can have is knowing they have a teacher they can confide in. In my own situation, I have had my father, Brian Jeffrey, by my side all year. I’m not sure what I’d do without him. Him not being around to assist me with honors classes, push me in all of my subjects, and alway have a microwave to heat up my food would have greatly changed how this year went for me. and to always take time out of his day to assist me with softball and flag football. Coming from me, a new student from Denmark, who didn’t know anyone until I met my softball team and met my best friend through flag football: go the extra mile to get to know someone. Make jokes with your teachers and, even if it appears frightening, sit in a large group at the lunch table. You have no reason to be afraid; for all you know, your future best friend could be right beside you.

Every morning I think of one thing- bagels. With a bagel in my stomach, I am ready to take on the day. Sports are my life because they are all I have...